But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Luke 18: 16

Trinity Kids provides spiritual guidance, education, & community for children from infancy through 5th grade. For Preschool through 5th grade, the “contemplative model”; of children’s ministry is used to provide the framework for learning about the stories of the Bible, with a focus back to the gospel & salvation of Jesus Christ. Lessons and discussions are hands-on, reflective, and open-ended. Please contact Julia Guy (julia@trinityanglicanmission.org) with any questions or to learn more about Godly Play and the contemplative model.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Orientation to the Classroom Sanctuary (Oct. 12th)

Season of the Church Year: Common Time “Great Green Growing” Season (Liturgical Color: Green)
Story in Scripture: Psalm 5:7
This Sunday’s lesson centered around the experience of being in a Sanctuary. Children discussed the importance of entering reverently and peacefully into the classroom (sometimes called the Worship Space). Their teacher helped them to visualize and give words to the various expectations we have for their behavior in the classroom. The primary directives that they will return to throughout this conversation are that, in the Sanctuary, we (1) Walk peacefully, (2) Talk softly, (3) Move slowly (there’s no reason to hurry!), and (4) Give our friends time and space to be with God. Their teacher will also discuss with them the use of reminders, should they need them. The overall purpose of this lesson is to prepare the children to engage in worship corporately and independently on Sundays. Teachers will revisit these concepts frequently throughout the year. 

Guiding Questions for Discussion:
Now I wonder how we can show God that we are ready to worship? 

I wonder how God knows that we are listening to him? 

Many people choose to worship God through story-telling, singing, making art work, and reading. 

What are your favorite ways to worship God? Why?  

“Father, help me to enter into a time of worship with you peacefully. I want to spend time with you, but it’s hard to slow down when things are so busy. Please meet me every day to share our love together and to teach me about your story. Amen.” 

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