But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Luke 18: 16

Trinity Kids provides spiritual guidance, education, & community for children from infancy through 5th grade. For Preschool through 5th grade, the “contemplative model”; of children’s ministry is used to provide the framework for learning about the stories of the Bible, with a focus back to the gospel & salvation of Jesus Christ. Lessons and discussions are hands-on, reflective, and open-ended. Please contact Julia Guy (julia@trinityanglicanmission.org) with any questions or to learn more about Godly Play and the contemplative model.

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Story of Sarah (August 10th)

Season of the Church Year: Common Time/ “Great Green Growing” Season  (Liturgical Color: green)
Story in Scripture: Genesis 12- 23 & 1 Peter 3:6 
This week, we learned about the life of Sarah, the wife of Abraham, father of the Great Family. Much of Sarah’s story centers around her relationship with her husband as they await God’s promise of a family. It’s a bit tricky to explain to children, but we tell the story of Hagar (whom we call a “helper”) and the birth of Ishmael. The fulfillment of God’s promise in the birth of Isaac is celebrated and the sad conflict between Sarah and Hagar is told directly, leaving time for the children to reflect on how each person involved might have felt. Our storytelling about Sarah concludes with the time in which she awaits the return of Abraham and Isaac from the mountain on which Abraham followed God’s call to sacrifice his son, but was redeemed by the word from an angel.

(Note: These are the usual questions that are asked after Old Testament character studies.) 

Now I wonder which part of the story you liked best? 
I wonder what part is the most important? 
I wonder what part is about you…. Or what part was especially for you? 
I wonder what the story of Abraham and his family might be teaching you? 
I wonder how this story might be getting us ready for Jesus? 
How might the story of Abraham be a part of God’s rescue plan for salvation through Jesus? 

“Dear Lord, thank you for the story of Sarah. I pray that you will help me to understand how this story teaches me something about my life. Walk beside me each day and help me to be patient and trust that you will fulfill the promises that you have made. Help me to wait on you, instead of always trying to fix things myself. Amen.” 

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