But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Luke 18: 16

Trinity Kids provides spiritual guidance, education, & community for children from infancy through 5th grade. For Preschool through 5th grade, the “contemplative model”; of children’s ministry is used to provide the framework for learning about the stories of the Bible, with a focus back to the gospel & salvation of Jesus Christ. Lessons and discussions are hands-on, reflective, and open-ended. Please contact Julia Guy (julia@trinityanglicanmission.org) with any questions or to learn more about Godly Play and the contemplative model.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Jesus Calls the Twelve Disciples (Feb. 16th)

Season of the Church Year: Common Time “Great Green Growing” Season (Liturgical Color: Green)
Story in Scripture: Mark 3: 7-19
Immediately after Jesus’s baptism in the Jordan River, he is taken to the wilderness for 40 days and nights of prayer and preparation. He is later tempted by the enemy of God. After this challenging  experience, he is ready to begin his work and ministry. But first, he must gather the right people to join him in such an adventure. Each of these men was called for a reason and each of them had the opportunity to trust God, even when it may have seemed impractical. I encourage you to discuss with your child what you know about each of the disciples (or look up information about them online or through a Bible concordance), so that you can assist your child in developing a connection with one or several of these men. For example, if your child often feels impulsive and jumps in to things too quickly, they may relate to Peter and his zeal for life. Perhaps they might learn, as Peter did, to trust and be excited about God, but to also be patient and wise. There are many fantastic books about the disciples and the amazing way that they leaned not on their own understanding, but had ultimate trust and dedication to the Messiah. The most important message of this story is that we must all choose to follow Jesus- to make our words, thoughts, and actions look like his. We are all called to be his disciples. 

Guiding Questions for Discussion:

I wonder why it was that these people that Jesus called from the crowd? 

I wonder how the twelve disciples feel being called to be with Jesus to tell the good news of God’s Kingdom? 

I wonder how the other people in the villages feel? 

I wonder if the people want to follow the way of the kingdom of God? 

“Father, thank you for the story of the disciples and how Jesus called them to follow him. May I also choose to say YES to Jesus and to be his disciple. Amen.” 

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