But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Luke 18: 16

Trinity Kids provides spiritual guidance, education, & community for children from infancy through 5th grade. For Preschool through 5th grade, the “contemplative model”; of children’s ministry is used to provide the framework for learning about the stories of the Bible, with a focus back to the gospel & salvation of Jesus Christ. Lessons and discussions are hands-on, reflective, and open-ended. Please contact Julia Guy (julia@trinityanglicanmission.org) with any questions or to learn more about Godly Play and the contemplative model.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Noah & the Flood (June 23rd)

Season of the Church Year: Common Time/ “Great Green Growing” Season  (green)
Story in Scripture: Genesis 6:9- 9:29
Many children know the story of Noah and the Ark from their early childhood. Nursery rooms, day care centers, infant pajamas- all remind us of this incredible story and the way in which God drew close to Noah and challenged the moral norms of the day. The lesson today focused primarily in the way in which Noah was in communion with God. Noah and his family loved the Lord and listened to his direction in their lives. Even though he was undoubtably surprised by the direction that God sent him! Secondly, the discussion today also focused on the way in which Noah and his family were brought to a realization of hope and new life as the flood waters began to recede. Although it is easy to attend only to the variety of animals on board.... this story is more accurately a story of separation, inspiration, distruction, patience, redemption, and, at last, new life. The children will also be enjoying a beautifully illustrated book called Noah’s Ark, by Peter Spier, which aids in an engaged discussion of the reality of the story.

Guiding Questions for Discussion:
I wonder how it felt to be in the Ark with all the rain? 
I wonder what it was like to be surrounded by so much water?
I wonder how it felt to be washed clean and new and to start over again?
I wonder how God felt about the animals and the people in the Ark?
I wonder how it felt as they made a special place to talk to God, to say their thanks to God?
I wonder how they felt when they saw the rainbow and understood the promise?

“Father, thank you for the story of Noah. Help me to understand the ways that you direct my life. I want to do the things that please you and I know that you want the best for me. Come near to me the way you came near to Noah. Thank you for my family, my friends, my pets, and all the ways that I enjoy your blessings every day. Amen.”

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