You may have noticed some water bottles for sale in the trinityKids Gathering Room. These are part of a project that Abram and Asher Collier (students in our Preschool/ Kindergarten class) have begun to pour their energy into, along with their parents, Jake and Natalie. You can buy a water bottle for $3 (suggested donation). All proceeds go to blood water mission.
Lovewell is an initiative to illuminate the great stories being lived and fought for in the world around us with creative acts of benevolence and artistic expression to all of humanity, from the greatest to the least. We exist to raise awareness and help directly support those who love mercy and do justly.
This is lovewell.
For more information, ask Asher or Abram, who have learned so much about
water wells and the life-giving power of clean drinking water. Or, you may email
their parents:
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